Discovering the Wines of Tinos

As our journey continues in the quest of finding new and exciting wines from Greece, the tiny island of Tinos, in the Cyclades, has by far raised a lot of interest and curiosity. The unique terroir and ecosystem on the island along with its sandy soil is a winemaker’s ideal playground to explore the potential of the popular grape varieties such as Assyrtiko, Malagousia, Mavrotragano and more.  

Coincidentally, the island has two established and thriving cult-followed wineries that both have French participation on their teams, T-Oinos Winery and Domaine de Kalathas.  Both of these amazing wineries are elevating the potential that the island has to offer in the production of world class wines.  T-Oinos Winery was founded by Greek businessman, Alexandros Avatangelos, who had settled in France and recruited a powerhouse of experts to join him in Tinos.  The team has been focusing on the varieties of Assyrtiko and Mavrotragano.  The production of these grape varieties at T-Oinos Winery have been exceptionally amazing.  

Domaine de Kalathas sits on the eastern Cycladic Island of Tinos. Prior to establishing his Domaine in 2011, Jerome Charles Binda worked as a graphic designer and art dealer in his native France. Having not come from a family of winemakers, it seemed a bit spontaneous when, at the age of forty-five, Jerome decided to become a farmer and a winemaker, focusing on the extraordinary potential he sensed in the Tinian heritage grapes. Following his intuitions and the goodwill of family and friends, he is now building a Domaine aimed at producing a rich palette of natural wines with an ever-learning attitude.

Jerome’s commitment is to produce the finest expression of his non-phylloxera granitic/sandy terroir, using manual techniques in the vineyards and the cellar. Organic-certified, he is building his own interpretation of biodynamics with patience and humility, according to the specific habitat of his vineyards: hand-harvesting and feet-treading before gentle vertical pressing, whole-cluster maceration, little temperature control, low-intervention winemaking in the cellar – all in an obstinate pursuit of healthy and self-sustained grapes in the vineyard. Domaine Kalathas produces white, rosé, orange, light red and deep red wines, fermented and aged in stainless-steel vats, as well as a few small cuvées in different types of clay vessels. Since 2016, everything is vinified and bottled with no added sulfur.

Both of these wineries are producing wines from organic farming and sustainable practices.  They are considered natural wines in the sense that there is low intervention during production.  This approach provides the true expression of the grape varieties and showcases the commitment and love from the winemakers.  

The production levels are still relatively small on the island but we are hopeful to see more coming to the market. We are very excited that you can find a couple of selections from Domaine de Kalathas on our platform. Click this link to find out more!