Greek Addict "Apollo" Gift Box

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Greece is always in our hearts, no matter how far.

The Greek Addict Gift Box contains: 
  • Apollo Bust Statue 
  • Whitening Volcano Black Toothpaste 
  • Natural Sea Sponge 
  • Worry Beads - Komboloi  
  • Lucky Eye Bracelet 

Apollo Bust Statue: Apollo is one of the Twelve Olympians Gods of Greek Mythology. He is the God of healing, medicine, archery, music, poetry and the sun. He is the leader of the Muses, and the God of prophecy and justice. In this gift box you can find a modern blue bust miniature of Apollo. A perfect addition to your boudoir table or any other space. 

Whitening Volcano Black Toothpaste: Surprise your friends with this innovative, whitening Volcano Black toothpaste, product of Santorini volcanic island. Its unique ingredients include volcano water extract, active carbon for extra whitening effect and Greek olive oil. Black toothbrush is included.  

Natural Sea Sponge: This Sea Natural Sponge comes in its natural state, harvested from depths of up to 50 meters. Once this luxurious hypoallergenic sponge is moistened, it glides smoothly over the face, stimulating skin circulation, allowing effective cleansing, exfoliation and even distribution of your facial products. Not only is it good for your skin, but also good for Greece’s natural environment. In keeping with centuries old  Greek tradition, the collection of sponges in the Southern Cretan Sea ensures that the base (roots) of the sponge remain intact so that the sponge has the ability to regenerate and re-grow back to its original form adding to the ecosystem’s sustainability. Soak in water before use and rinse well after use.  

Worry Beads - Komboloi: Komboloi derives from the Greek words kombos which means “knot” and leo which means “say” as in “in every knot I say a prayer“. Its origins date back to time, when monks began making strands of beads by tying knots on a string at regular intervals in order to say their prayers to God. Worry beads depict the Greek easy-going mentality. Most Cretans carry a komboloi with them at all times. One can hear komboloi’s flips and tricks in a busy kafeneion (café) downtown, where people play with their komboloi in different manners, thus letting go of their stress. Nowadays, the fact that the komboloi keeps your hands occupied has been promoted as an excellent way to quit smoking. Our worry beads come in a glass tube. 

Greek lucky eye bracelet: The classic Greek “lucky eye” symbol charm aims to ward off the effects of the Matiasma. Matiasma means “evil eye” in Greek, and is often shortened to mati which means eye. Blue charms shaped like eyes worn on a necklace or a bracelet “reflect” the evil. The lucky eye is the most commonly talked about ancient tradition in the Greek Isles. Celebrate Greek culture with a Greek lucky eye bracelet!